Month: February 2018

A Tale of Knights part 2

“Vice-captain Bovair!  Fen! Reavl!” Orwen’s subordinates resound, as we stare through the dark entrance.  After a few moments, the men stop, Reed picks up a stone and tosses it through the opening.  Dissapearing without a sound, Reed’s eyes open wide, his expression turns complicated. Curious of Reed’s epiphany, I nudge his shoulder. “They may not

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My haphazard life pioneering C1

“What the hell happened to me?” I just turned a corner, thinking it was shortcut to my house. But here I find myself in some strange woods. Looking behind me I’m completely lost, there are just woods surrounding me. I wasn’t that lost in thought, I was just daydreaming about confessing to this girl in

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Remembering another Day

Happy President’s day! A day to recall the past glories and failures of the people in elected power. And true to their time, not all United States President’s are the same. Each had their own process and progress. Other’s where strong vibrant and moved the country, and some where more of the Background time, moving

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