Category: Science is My Passion

Chapter 9 for SIMP

So I’m trying to knock out as much as I can, before a Hurricane passes by my place(possibly). Oh and by the way, I’ve been getting emails saying some of the text has been repeating or something like that. If you catch it let me know, I’m assuming it’s a wordpress issue when I copy and paste

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New chapter out for SIMP

Alright, for my readers who have been wondering, I am sorry for not informing you about my distractions. Lately I got absorbed with Overwatch and I won’t lie it has pulled my mind away from writing. But gaming aside I present another chapter of Science is my Passion, just click on the link right below

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New Chapter for SIMP

Well I got back into writing, well I’m also drawing every now and then so, I will try to balance out both. (I currently owe 10 chapters more from my hiatus[3/23], I’m trying to catch up ) For the Latest chapter read  HERE Also for the month of June , I will be training in the wilderness, I

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