Ramblings 0.775 (v3ch18 News update)

I’ve finished 132 segments out of 217, and that’s roughly 56% of the chapter.  And for any math people don’t be alarmed. I know 132/217 is equal to 60.8%.


So if you’re anxious about my translation status and want to know when Volume 3 Chapter 18 will come out.  Here’s a little picture.

I’ve finished 132 segments out of 217, and that’s roughly 56% of the chapter.  And for any math people don’t be alarmed. I know 132/217 is equal to 60.8%.

The 56% is in relation to the actual Japanese characters being translated.  Again think of segments as lines of dialogue, sentences or paragraphs. They can range from  5 characters to roughly 100+ characters.

Now this chapter has a lot, and I do mean a lot of military information, so I will be making a Reference Table at the bottom of the Chapter for anyone curious about Parabellum’s armaments.

Okay so I guess that’s enough of the technicals, and I’m sure you want to know when will the chapter come out.  If nothing major happens to me, and my current life schedule permits. Vol 3 Ch 18 should come out on Friday September 14, 2018.

With that being said, I wish everyone a wonderful week!



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